A Must for Puppies and Dogs
- Basic obedience
- Crate training (not essential but a good idea for many reasons)
- Exercise schedules
- Feeding patterns
- Grooming
- Places for sleeping and time out
- Play biting and mouthing
- Senior dog management
- Socialization to different environments, dogs, other animals and people
- Toilet training

“Diesel” feels secure in his crate

“Molly” sitting, waiting for next command
The Annoying Ones
- Barking and whining
- Charging at the front door
- Chasing kids when they are playing
- Destructive chewing
- Digging and other destructive behaviors
- Growling and barking at dogs and people
- Guarding food and toys
- House soiling
- Jumping on you or strangers
- Pulling on the lead
- Pulling washing off the line
- Separation anxiety
- And any other behaviors which are not desirable!

“Pablo” playing with washing off clothes line
The Fun Ones
- Dog quizzes for kids and adults too
- Relaxation exercises
- Simple brain games and tricks

“Zoe” relaxing with her owner